Visitation Center
A Welcoming Place to Gather
Located on our campus is a newly renovated Visitation Center designed to meet the needs of children and families in our community. The purpose of the visitation center is to serve as a comfortable, welcoming environment for children and families to visit with each other, case workers, and Crosswell staff.
Our goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of all children and families who utilize the Visitation Center, while fostering their continued relationship with parents, siblings, and other significant persons in their life. Our Visitation Center also provides space for counseling, training, and classes as needed.
The Visitation Center has 4 private visitation and counseling rooms, 3 bedrooms, a large family living room, and a training room.

Visitation is
designed to
Family reunification occurs smoothly and as safely as possible.
All children and adults are safe and their well-being and immediate needs are met.
Child(ren) maintain relationships with their parents, siblings, extended family, and other significant persons in their lives.
Child(ren) maintain and/or develop healthy attachments and the negative effects of separation are reduced.
Families receive the support they need to be reunited with their child(ren) and can continue to achieve safety and well-being for their child(ren) upon return to their own homes and community.
The Crosswell Visitation Center is available not only to siblings and adults of children residing on campus at CHC, but also to siblings and families of other children in our community. This includes local foster families who may be in need of a comfortable place to have family visitation.
Crosswell requires visiting persons to schedule visits with our staff at least 48 hours in advance to ensure that the facilities and personnel are available during the requested visit date and time.